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DeSoto July 2023 Newsletter

Click this link for the downloadable PDF version of the newsletter. 
An image of a newsletter called "BiblioBites" from DeSoto County Library with July events, book recommendations, and a director's note.
This is page 1 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
Text about book reviews, including "Speak of the Devil" by Rose Wilding and "The Art Forger" by B. A. Shapiro, plus a Publishers Weekly Bestseller List.
This is page 2 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
The image shows a section of a newsletter with book recommendations, including "The Fringe Hours" by Jessica Turner, "Tomatoes In My Lunchbox" by Costantia Manoli, and "Think Like a Horse" by Grant Golliher.
This is page 3 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
A newsletter page with a library update, a book review, event announcements, and contact information for DeSoto County Library.
This is page 4 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
A colorful July event calendar with fireworks, American flag, library activities, and kids' programs.
This is page 5 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
A colorful summer reading program flyer for DeSoto County Library with event dates, activities, and a reading challenge.
This is page 6 of the newsletter. A more accessible version is available in PDF format using the link at the top of the page.
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